How ERP improves supply chain management


How ERP improves supply chain management What is an ERP in supply chain management? Definition of ERP An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a software system that integrates and manages various business functions on a single platform. Its objective is to facilitate the flow of information between all business processes within the organization. In the […]

5 Keys to increase sales in your B2B online store


5 Claves para aumentar las ventas en tu tienda online B2B En el competitivo mundo del comercio electrónico B2B, aumentar las ventas en tu tienda online puede parecer un desafío monumental. Sin embargo, con las estrategias adecuadas, puedes mejorar significativamente tus resultados. En este artículo, exploraremos cinco claves esenciales para incrementar las ventas en tu […]

Why does your company need a business management system?


Why does your company need a business management system? In today’s competitive and dynamic environment, running a business is no easy task. Multiple challenges, from financial management to inventory control, require comprehensive solutions. A business management system is an essential tool that allows companies to optimize their processes, centralize information and make decisions based on […]

Omnichannel vs. multichannel for B2B companies

empresas B2B

Omnichannel vs. multichannel for B2B companies Omni-channel and multi-channel are key strategies for B2B companies looking to improve communication with their customers. Therefore, it is essential to know the specific characteristics of each one, as well as their advantages, in order to understand the value they can bring to our company and thus make the […]

What is a SaaS?


¿Qué es un SaaS? Si estás incursionando en el mundo digital, es probable que hayas oído hablar del término “SaaS”. Pero, ¿qué significa exactamente? El Software como Servicio, o SaaS, es un modelo de distribución de software que ha revolucionado la forma en que las empresas y los usuarios acceden y utilizan aplicaciones en línea. […]

The 11 benefits of ERP for B2B companies


The 11 benefits of ERP for B2B companies Companies operating in the B2B (Business to Business) B2B (Business to Business) face unique challenges in managing their business processes and relationships. A ERP (planificación de recursos empresariales) or enterprise resource planning system is a fundamental tool for managing all areas of a company in an integrated […]

How to choose the best ERP: Types and key factors to consider


Cómo elegir un buen ERP: Tipos y factores clave a considerar Factores esenciales al elegir un ERP La elección de un ERP implica evaluar una serie de factores críticos para asegurar que se alinee perfectamente con las necesidades y objetivos de tu empresa. Aquí hay algunos elementos esenciales que debes considerar:   Tamaño y necesidades de tu […]

¿What is an ERP? Advantages and disadvantages


¿What is an ERP? Definition, Functionalities and Main Uses ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an integrated software system that enables companies to manage their business operations in an efficient and centralized manner. These systems connect different departments and functions within an organization, such as accounting, supply chain, production and human resources, with the aim of […]