What is a retailer and what is its impact on B2B commerce?


What is a retailer and what is its impact on B2B commerce? In the dynamic world of commerce, terms can sometimes be confusing. One such term is “retailer. Although commonly associated with retail and the end consumer, the role of the retailer goes beyond that and has a significant influence on B2B (Business-to-Business) commerce. In […]

The Convergence between B2B and DTC: New Opportunities in Spanish E-Commerce


The Convergence between B2B and DTC: New Opportunities in Spanish E-Commerce Share: How are B2B and DTC Business Models Merging? By 2024, B2B B2B commerce in Spain is adopting strategies that are typical of the Direct to Consumer (DTC) model. Direct to Consumer (DTC)This convergence is creating new opportunities for companies looking to expand their […]

B2B Companies in Spain to Increase Investment in Digital Marketing by 2024


B2B Companies in Spain to Increase Investment in Digital Marketing by 2024 Share: By 2024, half of B2B companies in Spain plan to increase their investment in digital marketing, according to a recent report by Correos Express. Of this group, 16.12% plan to significantly increase their budget, while 33.06% anticipate moderate growth. Some 36.36% of […]

Most used online payment methods in 2024


Most used online payment methods in 2024 The online payment landscape is constantly evolving, adapting to new consumer needs and preferences. In this article, we will delve into the most used online payment methods in 2024, analyzing their features, advantages and disadvantages so you can make informed decisions and boost conversions in your business. Credit […]

The impact of AI in B2B Ecommerce


El impacto de la IA en Ecommerce B2B La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha revolucionado numerosos sectores, y el ecommerce B2B no es una excepción. Desde sus inicios en el comercio electrónico, la IA ha evolucionado desde simples algoritmos de recomendación hasta sofisticados sistemas que mejoran cada aspecto de la experiencia del usuario y la eficiencia […]

5 Keys to increase sales in your B2B online store


5 Claves para aumentar las ventas en tu tienda online B2B En el competitivo mundo del comercio electrónico B2B, aumentar las ventas en tu tienda online puede parecer un desafío monumental. Sin embargo, con las estrategias adecuadas, puedes mejorar significativamente tus resultados. En este artículo, exploraremos cinco claves esenciales para incrementar las ventas en tu […]

B2B e-commerce: keys to stand out and succeed

comercio electrónico b2b

Comercio electrónico B2B: claves para destacar y triunfar El comercio electrónico B2B (Business to Business) se refiere a las transacciones realizadas entre empresas mediante plataformas digitales. Este tipo de comercio es fundamental en sectores como la automoción, moda, salud, fabricación y alimentación. Los modelos de negocio B2B incluyen el B2B2C, la venta al por mayor, […]

The 3 most used ERPs in B2B ecommerce


Los 3 ERP más usados en el ecommerce B2B En el mundo del ecommerce B2B, la integración de un ERP adecuado es crucial para la gestión eficiente. Cada opción tiene sus ventajas y desventajas a considerar en la elección. Elegir el ERP correcto es fundamental para optimizar la gestión empresarial. SAP ERP: Ventajas y desventajas […]

The 11 benefits of ERP for B2B companies


The 11 benefits of ERP for B2B companies Companies operating in the B2B (Business to Business) B2B (Business to Business) face unique challenges in managing their business processes and relationships. A ERP (planificación de recursos empresariales) or enterprise resource planning system is a fundamental tool for managing all areas of a company in an integrated […]