B2B vs B2C: Understanding the key differences in e-commerce


B2B vs B2C: Understanding the key differences in e-commerce What is B2B and B2C? B2B (Business-to-Business) Refers to business transactions that take place between companies. For example, a manufacturer of electronic components selling to a computer assembly company. B2C (Business-to-Consumer) Involves the sale of products or services directly to end consumers. An example would be […]

What is a retailer and what is its impact on B2B commerce?


What is a retailer and what is its impact on B2B commerce? In the dynamic world of commerce, terms can sometimes be confusing. One such term is “retailer. Although commonly associated with retail and the end consumer, the role of the retailer goes beyond that and has a significant influence on B2B (Business-to-Business) commerce. In […]

The Convergence between B2B and DTC: New Opportunities in Spanish E-Commerce


The Convergence between B2B and DTC: New Opportunities in Spanish E-Commerce Share: How are B2B and DTC Business Models Merging? By 2024, B2B B2B commerce in Spain is adopting strategies that are typical of the Direct to Consumer (DTC) model. Direct to Consumer (DTC)This convergence is creating new opportunities for companies looking to expand their […]

B2B Companies in Spain to Increase Investment in Digital Marketing by 2024


B2B Companies in Spain to Increase Investment in Digital Marketing by 2024 Share: By 2024, half of B2B companies in Spain plan to increase their investment in digital marketing, according to a recent report by Correos Express. Of this group, 16.12% plan to significantly increase their budget, while 33.06% anticipate moderate growth. Some 36.36% of […]

Most used online payment methods in 2024


Most used online payment methods in 2024 The online payment landscape is constantly evolving, adapting to new consumer needs and preferences. In this article, we will delve into the most used online payment methods in 2024, analyzing their features, advantages and disadvantages so you can make informed decisions and boost conversions in your business. Credit […]

The impact of AI in B2B Ecommerce


The impact of AI in B2B Ecommerce Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, and B2B ecommerce is no exception. Since its inception in e-commerce, AI has evolved from simple recommendation algorithms to sophisticated systems that improve every aspect of user experience and operational efficiency. The history of AI in e-commerce reflects a steady growth […]

5 Keys to increase sales in your B2B online store


5 Keys to increase sales in your B2B online store In the competitive world of B2B e-commerce, increasing sales in your online store can seem like a monumental challenge. However, with the right strategies, you can significantly improve your results. In this article, we’ll explore five essential keys to increasing sales in your B2B online […]

B2B e-commerce: keys to stand out and succeed

comercio electrónico b2b

B2B e-commerce: keys to stand out and succeed B2B (Business to Business) e-commerce refers to transactions carried out between companies through digital platforms. This type of commerce is essential in sectors such as automotive, fashion, health, manufacturing and food. B2B business models include B2B2C, wholesale, manufacturers and distributors. Each one presents specific characteristics and benefits, […]

The 3 most used ERPs in B2B ecommerce


The 3 most used ERPs in B2B ecommerce Share: In the world of B2B ecommerce, the integration of an ERP is crucial for efficient management. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages to consider in the choice. Choosing the right ERP is essential to optimize business management. SAP ERP: Pros and Cons for B2B Companies […]