Features of B2B e-commerce

Our solution integrates seamlessly with your ERP system, improving operational efficiency and optimizing the user experience. Below, we present the main features of Stoam SaaS to help you maximize the performance of your online business.

Product management

Take full control of your product catalog and offer a seamless shopping experience to your customers.


Emulate your ERP's pricing and discount strategy, ensuring that prices in your online store are consistent with those in your internal system.


It groups multiple variants into a single product sheet, making it easier to manage and view different options for the same item.

Rules quantity

Define the purchase rules and quantity of your products, allowing you to establish order minimums and maximums according to your commercial needs.

Public catalog

Position your product catalog without showing prices, allowing potential customers to see your offer without revealing cost details.

Product Images

Ability to display carousel with multiple product photos, assign them to products or variants.


It allows different types of categorization, facilitating organization and navigation within your product catalog.

Optimization of the purchasing process

Streamline the purchasing process, reduce errors and increase customer satisfaction.


Optimized check-out process for B2B, ensuring a fast and efficient purchasing experience for your business customers.


It allows searching through multiple filters, helping customers quickly find the products they need.


The standard or advanced search option is available, offering flexibility for users to find products by searching among properties, references and categories.

Purchase History

Encourage recurrence with purchase history, in a few clicks your customers will be able to modify and repeat orders.


Display informational labels on the product grid to highlight special features, promotions or product statuses.

Product Grid

Buy from the product grid with a few clicks. Select quantity and add to cart.


Thanks to our pay-per-use model, scaling the solution is a matter of adjusting the volume of processes in line with business growth, without extra installations or additional developments.

License and connector

It includes the software usage license as well as the access and installation of the Stoam connector, which is responsible for making the connection between the store and the ERP.

Hosting: Items

Items are all those concepts that require processes in the store. According to the plan, the first 1,500 monthly items are free.

Maintenance and Support

Support and maintenance of Stoam SaaS are included. You will have multiple channels and tools at your disposal to ensure the stability of your new sales channel.

Clients and Users

Strengthen relationships with your clients and offer a personalized and efficient service.

Assigned Rates

Your clients will be able to see their rates and conditions established in the ERP, applied directly to the products.

User roles

Allows the entry of orders to different roles, managing different levels of access and permissions for employees and customers.

Private area

Dedicated space for customers, with different modules that allow you to manage orders, view purchase histories and access personalized information.

Request Invoices

Your clients will be able to see the list of invoices and request them through the private area. Stoam sends a request to the ERP to send them by email.

Pending orders

Check the orders that have not yet been served, in the case of a partial delivery, it can be seen by order lines.


Synchronizes addresses and warehouses from the ERP automatically, they can be selected during check-out.

Customization and content

Create a unique and attractive shopping experience for your customers.


Through our banner system, you can add custom content and customize store sections.


We support multi-language capability, you can add translations for product information and descriptions.


Adapt your corporate image to the online store. Upload your logo and select your company colors.

ERP Integration

In ERP integration we connect your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with other software applications to improve efficiency and data management in your business such as your B2B ecommerce platform.

Automatic Sync

Thanks to the Stoam connector, we establish an information bridge between the ERP and b2b e-commerce. Through this connection we can establish update periods adapted to your business.

Sales channel management

Stoam is designed in such a way that once the b2b e-commerce has been configured, the changes made in the ERP are reflected in the sales channel automatically.

Support and Customizations

At Stoam we have a team of ERP software experts, we can make adaptations to the connector to reflect ERP customizations in b2b e-commerce operations.