Travel Agencies Take Off: Leading E-Commerce in Spain with 2,878 Million Euros in the Third Quarter of 2023



Travel agencies and tour operators emerge as the undisputed champions of e-commerce in the third quarter of 2023, leading the ranking of sectors with the highest sales volume. According to the latest data provided by the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), these entities cornered an impressive 13.2% of total e-commerce turnover in Spain, generating around 2,878 million euros in revenue.

The transportation sector follows closely behind, claiming 5.6% of turnover, while clothing clings to third place with a solid 5.2%.

E-commerce as a whole has experienced robust growth, reaching 21,803 million euros in sales during the third quarter, representing an increase of 12.7%. compared to the same period of the previous year. This upward trend is also reflected in the number of transactions, which has increased significantly over the past year. 15.6%, reaching a staggering 385 million transactions. Within this panorama, land passenger transportation stands out with 7% of total transactions, reaching the 27 million mark.

In terms of international transactions, travel agencies once again lead the way, accounting for 33.8% of the total volume of e-commerce business from Spain to foreign countries, ahead of other sectors such as hotels (14.7%) and air transport (7.4%).

In addition, the areas of activity related to the tourism sector have demonstrated their weight in international transactions, with an impressive63.6% of purchases made from abroad to Spain.

These data confirm the fundamental role played by travel agencies and the tourism sector in general within e-commerce, consolidating their position as key drivers of the digital economy in Spain.

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